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- Psychoactive substances used by the 14-18 year-old...
Since 1997 the OFDT has set up a perennial device based upon national general population surveys for observing drug-related uses, behaviours, and opinions.
Taking part in the ESPAD 1999 (European School Survey on Alcohol and Other Drugs) came within that scope.
The survey was carried out by the INSERM team "Santé de l'adolescent" ("Teenager's health"; M. Choquet and S. Ledoux, who have been participating in the ESPAD project since 1993), in partnership with OFDT and the Ministry of National education.
The first results are presented by gender and by age, these factors having a strong influence upon use.
Other youth-related surveys carried out during the nineties, particularly by INSERM in 1993, help putting data in perspective.